Affordable housing program presented in Hialeah

A one-bedroom apartment can cost almost $2,000.

The Government of Hialeah announced this Tuesday a program for the construction of affordable housing in the most Spanish-speaking city in the United States.

After the massive arrival of thousands of migrants, rents in Miami-Dade County have skyrocketed, and this situation is more evident in Hialeah, a growing city where rising housing prices have an impact, especially on people who have been living for years. living in the area.

A one-bedroom apartment can cost almost $2,000, he found.America TeVe.

The mayor of Hialeah, Esteban Bovo, explained that the program attempts to attract private investment to create a type of housing menu to accommodate low-income people and workers.

The land available for the construction of buildings was evaluated and private investment will be encouraged, he stressed.

"Now the only way to create housing is through someone who comes to develop and requests a concession. This idea is promoted with the private sector," he said.

Historically, the majority of Hialeah residents are Cubans. In addition, 98 percent of its inhabitants speak Spanish, which makes this city in southern Florida the favorite for Latino migrants.

Last week Hialeah approved a more restrictive zoning ordinance that limits the number of trailers and boats that can be had in a home.

The use of recreational vehicles to rent them as homes in residential areas is illegal and is affecting urban order in the so-called "City that Progresses," the mayor recalled.

"Renting a mobile home in a residential area for profit is illegal. It is not allowed," Bovo said. The fine for violating the new regulations is $500 per day.

The new ordinance aims to protect homeowners in Hialeah, where many neighbors complain about having to live near mobile homes illegally rented by people they do not know and who in some cases engage in uncivil behavior.

Last year Bovo said that the excess of trailers generated a "solar" environment and that he would put a stop to that situation.

Hialeah has become the second most sought-after city for renters in Florida and number 17 in the rest of the country, after the Covid-19 pandemic and the arrival of more than400 thousand Cubans to the United States and the majority would prefer to settle in Miami-Dade County, according to an investigation by the local channelTelemundo 51.

The news channel stated in 2023 that migrants are the ones who most seek to insert themselves into the city for various "attractions"; among them the ease of finding accommodation "a trailer in the yard of a house in Hialeah can rent between $600 and $1,000"; and let it be "the most Hispanic city in the country", with 94.6 percent of the population speaking Spanish.

The city has the largest concentration of Cuban Americans in the United States.

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