Advice from a Cuban who lives in a van in Miami: “Abandon efficiency”

This Cuban claims not to have paid any money in rent in 2023.

The Cuban migrant who lives in a van in Miamito avoid paying rent he has returned to the fray and advised his compatriots to: “Abandon theefficiency”.

“Let them be filled with courage, and let them abandon all thoseefficiency, and get all these shameless people out of here, they are going to have to give away theefficiency”, said this Cuban, whose name has not been revealed, in a Tik Tok clip broadcast by Dairon Cano.

Cano showed how this Cuban has a television, refrigerator and bed in his truck lined with thermal insulation.

“Cuban has all the conditions to live in his truck. "He doesn't want to pay rent," said the tiktoker.

Since last year, Cano has been spreading the case of this Cuban resident in the United States who for a year and a half chose to live inside his truck due to the high rent prices in Miami County. Dade.

This Cuban's decision to live in his truck It was preceded by a turbulent personal period.

“Everything collapsed... divorce, problems, very expensive rents... insurance and nothing... And every day it gets worse,” he explained in statements to Cano.

At the beginning of last year,Dairon Cano surprised the Cuban with a gift as a sign of gratitude. The video he published about this man became the most viral on his account with 12 million views.

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