Cuba sends another 89 doctors to Honduras

In Cuba 12,000 doctors left the health system in 2022.

Firma de acuerdo © Gobierno de Honduras/Twitter
Signing agreement Photo © Government of Honduras/Twitter

Havana and Tegucigalpa signed a new agreement for the export of 89 Cuban doctors to Honduras for a period of two years, despite the serious crisis of the health system on the Caribbean island.

The newspaperThe Press He said that the agreement was signed by the Honduran Minister of Health, Karla Paredes, and the Cuban ambassador in Tegucigalpa, Juan Roberto Loforte, in the midst of national discontent over the dismissal of 30 doctors from the Central American country who were not followers of the government Party. .

The Cubans will arrive in the country on February 20, and will be placed in hospitals in the main cities and inremote communities who face a shortage of specialists in various medical disciplines, the information details.

Among the medical specialists are surgeons, orthopedists, neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons, oncological surgeons, internists, pediatricians, epidemiologists, family doctors and pediatric neurologists, Paredes explained.

Havana has chosen to export its doctors to obtain income through international cooperation agreements, despite the fact that these are specialists who are in short supply on the island.

The Cuban doctors will not be hired by the Ministry of Health of Honduras, but by the Ministry of Strategic Planning, an entity created by President Xiomara Castro – close to the Havana regime – in 2022 to execute the Bicentennial Government Plan and the construction of the Socialist and Democratic State.

Although the exact amount of remuneration of Cuban specialists was not specified, it was mentioned that it would be lower than that of Honduran doctors.

In November of last year, the president of the Medical College of Honduras, Helga Codina,He opposed the arrival in Tegucigalpa of a brigade of 86 Cuban doctors; Well, in your country there are about 11,000 doctors without permanent employment.

The activist said she did not understand how the Honduran government hires foreign health professionals while doctors are out of work.

He denounced that the government of his countrypays large sums to the Cuban regime for each doctor and that the doctors on the island earn a small percentage of that salary, so many end up staying in Honduras and making the labor market for Honduran doctors more competitive.

For its part, in Cuba the shortage of doctors is growing. More of12,000 doctors on the island left the Public Health System in 2022, in a context where the unfortunate crisis of the health system has forced many doctors to give up their profession and emigrate.

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