More than 12 thousand doctors leave Cuba's Public Health system in 2022

Some 7,414 nurses abandoned their profession in Cuban institutions, as did 3,246 stomatologists and 4,579 technicians.

Médicos cubanos ©
Cuban doctors Photo ©

More of 12,000 doctors on the island left the Health SystemPublic of Cuba in 2022, in a context where the unfortunate crisis of the health system has forced many doctors to give up their profession.

Thefiguresdisclosed by the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI) for the Public Health and Social Assistance sectors indicate that thepersonnel decrease has been widespreadin the Health area and the number of inhabitants that now correspond to each doctor has increased.

At the end of 2022 on the island there were94,066 doctors, while in 2021 there were106,131, about 12,065 less.

In general, the medical staff of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) decreased during the past year.

Of 312,406 workers in that sector, 281,098 finished the year, which results in a difference of 31,308 fewer people than at the beginning of 2022.

Stomatologists, nurses, senior, middle and basic technicians and technologists and "other health graduates" added casualties to the total.

Some 7,414 nurses abandoned their profession in Cuban institutions, as did 3,246 dentists and 4,579 technicians.

The lack of personnel in Cuban hospitals has become evident in the successive complaints from Cuban parents and citizens who suffer from the absence of specialists.

While hundreds of doctors are sent on missionsthat swell the accounts of the Cuban regime, on the island the patientsThey stand in lines and suffer from a lack of supplies to achieve adequate treatment.

Alina Arcos Fernández-Brito, a Cuban doctor who worked at the Calixto García Hospital in Havana, published a heartbreaking text on social networks at the beginning of this month to announce that He leaves his profession because he does not have the resourcesto alleviate or cure diseases.

The health professional - who is the sister of film critic Gustavo Arcos - said that in addition to the lack of supplies to perform her job correctly, she cannot "live with a minimum of dignity or decorum" while practicing as a doctor, which is a clear reference. to an insufficient salary, an issue that is a recurring theme in Cuba.

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