The Cuban motherFrida Riveron He requested a humanitarian visa for his nine-year-old son Thiago Fernando, after an alleged medical error in surgery left serious consequences for the little boy.
The serious crisis in public health in Cuba leaves a new case that has shocked social networks.Frida Riveron She recounted on Facebook how her son, after undergoing more than 22 hours of surgery, under the effect of general anesthesia, for a stem cell implant, was left without mobility on the left side of his body.
"After subjecting Thiago Fernando to almost 22 hours of surgery with general anesthesia, which only God knows what could be happening, they tell me that the implant was not satisfactory. (...) Very simple, the second part of the process is not They did it as they should because the medical staff at 11:00 pm was not complete," said Frida.
The mother explains that the absence of professionals at night led the doctors to make decisions that have harmed her son. He points out that instead of using a deep vein to administer medication, they used a superficial vein in one hand, which was insufficient.
"My son has no mobility on the left side of his little body," she said.
This circumstance increases Frida's despair, especially because she was informed of the closure of the stem cell implementation program, which puts her son's future in danger.
"The other news is that the stem cell implementation program is closed, due to lack of resources, supplies and medical personnel. Tell me: What is going to happen from now on with my warrior? This child has a great desire to live, to perform like children his age. He does not deserve to be condemned in this way," said Frida.
The Cuban expressed her deep concern for Thiago's well-being and right to enjoy a full life. The boy now faces a bleak outlook. "Help me help him. My warrior needs a humanitarian visa," she commented desperately.
The deterioration of the Cuban health system is evident in Havana and in all the country's provinces. Last week the case ofKendri Colon Ricardo, a Cuban boy sick with cancer who suffers from the shortage of medicines and basic equipment such as a wheelchair.
He is admitted to the oncology ward of the Holguín provincial hospital. Among the medications you need is Fraxiparin, which has anticoagulant and antithrombotic action, so it is essential to prevent the formation of clots in the blood vessels, but it is not available in the hospital.
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