Micha enjoys the Caribbean Series surrounded by stars

Micha enjoyed the game between Venezuela and Puerto Rico, in which more personalities from the world of music were also present.

El Micha was surrounded by music stars and recognized personalities during the Caribbean series game between Venezuela and Puerto Rico in Miami.

The Cuban singer attended the sporting event held in Miami, where he met several colleagues from the industry, among whom wereNacho Mendoza, Lele Pons, Guayna, Maffio, Lenny Tavarez, Oscar d'Leon and many more. A meeting of stars that the "Pa los haters" singer shared on his Instagram profile.

In the publication that El Micha shared with all his followers, he posted several snapshots among which he appears accompanied by some of the personalities who, like him, wanted to enjoy the baseball game. In addition, he also uploaded a video in which he appears with his son Dylan, who was with his father at this sporting event.

"How good it feels to enjoy a ball game with so many colleagues that you love and admire", wrote El Micha next to this publication, which does not stop addinglikes on the social network.

Many of his followers commented with fire flame emoticons, while others left him comments like: "To the best singer in my country: El Micha" or "Only great ones." Yomil also left him a message on the board that says: "What a tough first shot, manito."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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