Cuban pleads for information about her lost dog: "It's part of my life"

The owner did not give details of how the dog was lost and assured that she will pay whoever gives it to her, without accusing anyone.

Luna © Facebook / Mascotas en Holguín / Diana Ballester
Officer Photo © Facebook / Pets in Holguín / Diana Ballester

A Cuban resident in Holguín is askinghelp to get your dog Luna back.

Diana Ballester shared the photo of the pet in the group ofFacebook "Pets in Holguín" and assured that Luna is part of his life.

"What I'm going through I wouldn't wish on anyone in this world," he said.

Facebook capture / Pets in Holguín / Diana Ballester

"Please, there are still good hearts left, share and help me find the Moon of my soul. I think what she is doing, if she is mistreated, if she is cold and hungry. Please,Whoever has it should give it to me, I will pay him"he added.

Diana did not give details about how the dog got lost.

The woman also shared her request for help in the groupFacebook "Revolico Holguín", where he shared his number in case anyone can give him any information: 54068616.

Facebook Capture / Revolico Holguín / Diana Ballester

"I know that the person who has you already knows that we are looking for you, and I know that sooner or later he will reason and his heart will soften because he also has a family (...). I only ask that she be returned, I am not going to accuse anyone because the only thing I want is my dog Luna back," he stressed.

The economic and social crisis in Cuba has increased other forms of crime, such as the theft of pets, a crime that causes a lot of pain to pet owners.

In December, aOld woman offered 6,000 pesos to anyone who would hand her over or give her information about her dog, which had been missing for more than two weeks.

Esperanza Fernández, a resident of the Guanabo neighborhood of Eastern Havana, explained that the animal, with features of a French bulldog but a little larger, was wearing a blue collar.

"Apparently he was abducted by aliens, since no one has seen him and there is no trace of him. I turn once again to human sensitivity for his return. I pray that he is well," he said.

"It is evident that someone has him captive, with the purpose of keeping him or selling him and perhaps they have already moved him to another area," he said.

Days before, the comedianLimay Blanco announced that the dog of some friends from the Cotorro municipality, Havana, who had been missing for several days, had been returned.

Limay, who had offered $300 for any information Regarding the animal, he happily revealed that the person who had the pet in his possession decided to release it and gave up collecting the reward.

On that date, a couple of Bulldog dogs that had been stolen from the porch of a house in the Playa municipality, Havana, were recovered by their owners, who alsoThey had offered a reward of one thousand dollars for them.

The owners received calls from unknown people who claimed to have the dogs in their possession, and demanded $500 to return them.

The owners went to the place set for the return, but accompanied by two agents from the Salvage and Rescue Unit. Upon arrival, the police acted immediately,the thieves were captured and the animals returned without anyone having to pay any ransom.

"The criminals are being prosecuted, after it was discovered that one of them stole the dogs and the others were accomplices in the act," the BAC said.

The owner of Rocco and Dorita, a model and makeup artist, had promised a thousand dollars to whoever returned her two pets.

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