Authorities in Old Havana reactivate the “click patrols” with Cuban children

The "initiative" is part of the Cuban regime's strategies to "contribute to the saving of electrical energy", while serving as a tool of indoctrination and propaganda.

"Patrulla clic" en La Habana Vieja © Facebook / CAM Habana Vieja
"Click patrol" in Old Havana Photo © Facebook / CAM Old Havana

The energy saving program promoted by the authorities of the Cuban regime motivated the resurgence of one of the most questioned initiatives of the country's “mass organizations”:the reactivation of the so-called “click patrols”.

Created in times of the dictatorFidel Castro and made up mainly of children and adolescents, the reactivation of the click patrols in Cubais part of the strategies of the government of the “continuity” ofMiguel Diaz-Canel to “contribute to the saving of electrical energy” in Cuba, while serving as a tool of indoctrination and propaganda.

Screenshot Facebook / CAM Old Havana

“Students of different levels of education, members of a Clip Patrol [sic], visited several locations during the Employment Fair in the Arco de Belén, in support of the energy saving program,” reported this Saturday the Board of Directors (CAM) of Old Havana.

In a publication of hissocial networks, the local government entity highlighted that "the tour was made up of seven pioneers and two adults, who passed through six work centers, two MSMEs and eighteen homes where they turned off unnecessary lights, offered talks about the need for energy savings and its importance for the country".

The patrol of minors monitoring “energy savings” will continue every Saturday, indicated the authorities of the Havana municipality, thus demonstrating their compliance with the instructions of the highest government authorities.

According to the official Cuban encyclopediaEcuRed, “in this battle that our people are fighting for the well-being of the population, the saving of electrical energy has become an important task, where a conscious discipline of the new generations on the subject is necessary.”

In this sense, it highlights that “the José Martí Pioneer Organization encourages appropriate behavior for savings and collective responsibility from an early age, and develops a massive movement [with] activities aimed at contributing, through the action of the pioneer, to energy saving. , as well as to combat their waste, in order to create savings habits in them that they in turn transmit to the population."

Named as "The Guardians of Savings" by the official discourse, these patrols of minors in Cuba arepromoted and directed fundamentally by the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), led by the former spyGerard Hernandez Nordelo.

A decadent and emblematic organization of surveillance, control, denunciation and indoctrination at the neighborhood level, the CDR has used minors since its origins, creating for them a supposed “revolutionary” mission that ends up being political manipulation and ideological indoctrination.

“The children have shown that they take on this task with responsibility and discipline. We propose that it be framed in different schedules to achieve a greater impact on the community. From six in the afternoon to nine at night",indicated In June 2022, the provincial coordinator of the CDR in the capital,Irina Sierra Podio, referring to one of the many rebirths of click patrols.

And since children in the so-called Cuban “revolution” can assume these and other tasks “with responsibility and discipline,” Hernández Nordelo does not hesitate to advertise on his networks another “initiative” that involves child labor as part of a “development project.” and strengthening of mass organizations.”

Known as the Renacer of Miraflores and created in 2015 in the Holguín municipality of Fank País byJules Martinez, member of the Municipal Directorate of the CDR and coordinator of the area,The “initiative” is part of the “Siembra tu Pedacito” program, devised by Hernández Nordelo to achieve “food sovereignty” in Cuba through “self-consumption.”

And of course, the national coordinator of the CDR did not hesitate to link in hisFacebook the report on the “Renaissance of Miraflores”, driven primarily by children who, with farming implements in hand, pretend to be concentrated on agricultural cultivation work, in “their little piece of land, which they tend and harvest.”

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