Cubans denounce irregularities in online store deliveries

A Facebook user reported that she received 10 meatless chicken bones in an order made to an online store with deliveries in Cuba.

Huesos de pollo entregados a una cubana © Facebook/Anais Hernandez
Chicken bones delivered to a Cuban woman Photo © Facebook/Anais Hernandez

Users of social networks denounced the poor quality of the products they receive from online stores, from where relatives, in a great economic effort, send food products in Cuba.

“Please, I need someone to give me an answer about a box from a shipment that I received and it had 10 bones without meat, this is the photo,” wrote the Internet user.Anais Hernandez in the Facebook group “Supermarket23 - Store shipping to Cuba from anywhere in the world.”

Facebook Capture/Anais Hernández

In the shared photo, the complainant leaves graphic evidence of a box with several meatless chicken bones, from a purchased package, which she also showed.

The Shipping Company responded to the complaint made, although errors like these do not seem to be uncommon in their work, according to subsequent comments.

“These inconveniences are the result of an error that occurred in the processing plant, which caused a deterioration in the quality of the product,” was the justification given. However, how does an error of this type explain the fact that ten chicken bones arrive without meat to their recipient?

Capture from Facebook/Supermarket23

In the comments section of the publication, the woman was supported by Internet users who expressed that this shipping agency had lowered the quality of the products it delivered.

“Claim that it is very expensive,” was one of the pieces of advice they gave the woman.

Another person said they had a problem with missing products in an order two months ago. “It took them a while to respond, but after several emails they returned the money, that is, the solution was to put the fund value in my account. It is not the most correct thing, but it was a solution in the end,” he commented.

Capture from Facebook/Supermarket23

To a person who commented that it had been a mistake and supported the response of the delivery entity, another user responded that: “Whose mistake? Do you believe that, in a place where there is no need to steal, that there are cameras everywhere? Everywhere, a canner is going to start removing the meat from some chicken thighs? They don't even believe that themselves."

A user also stated that “something similar happened to a friend of hers with sugar, it was delivered to her repackaged and with garbage inside.”

Capture from Facebook/Supermarket23

“I believe you, they brought me a package of cookies that looked like they were made of glass, the kind they sell in the markets, I see the publications full of praise, oh, and the really bad ham that they sell in the markets, I think that They themselves are the ones who publish these wonders, I don't want them to send me anything,” commented another user.

The publication, which already has more than 100 comments where Cubans have told their anecdotes with this online store.

While these stores try to be a relief for the Cuban who has family abroad, those that are physicalIn Cuba they are short of supplies and the people no longer know where to buy basic necessities and everything you truly need to survive, between scarcity, inflation and devalued currency.

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