They call Jacob Forever "the king of Cuban artists" when posing with his luxurious Rolls-Royce

The Cuban singer decided to make some changes to his luxurious car and this is what it looks like now.

Jacob Forever The week started in the best way: celebrating his daughter Saisha's eighth birthday, the result of his relationship with Diliamne Jouve (better known as La Dura). The family celebrated their daughter's new age after a getaway to New York in which they enjoyed the Big Apple to the fullest. And with renewed energy and the joy of his vacation in the city that never sleeps, the Cuban singer wished everyone a happy week posing from his Rolls-Royce.

The Immortal's followers are used to seeing him inside his luxurious car or posing outside of it. However,His car has gone through some changes that the Cuban singer showed in detail in a video he uploaded to his Instagram stories.

As you can see, it now has more black details that were previously silver. Like the tires, which have been changed for new ones.

Happy with the result, the interpreter of "Hasta que se seque el Malecón" assured that "it's very hard", something that his fans agree on, who dedicated all good comments to him in the publication. "And Ovi says that Cuban artists have no money", "The king of Cuban artists", "Achooooo how hard daddy", "The beast", "The best" or "Tanque", are some of the messages that dedicated to the Cuban singer.

Here we leave you another photo that Jacob Forever recently uploaded with his Rolls-Royce so you can see what it looked like before. The modifications are obvious!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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