Czech woman locates her Cuban father through social networks after 30 years

After three decades without contact, Erika uses the networks to reconnect with her Cuban father in Holguín.

Enrique y su novia checa en los años 90 © Facebook/Christoph Gruhn
Enrique and his Czech girlfriend in the 90sPhoto © Facebook/Christoph Gruhn

A woman from the Czech Republic managed to locate her father, a Cuban, apparently residing in the province of Holguín.

Through a person who identified himself as Christoph Gruhn, this Czech woman's boyfriend, the young woman made a request on social networks to locate her father.

“I'm looking for Enrique Velásquez Argüelles. "If you know him, I would love for you to contact him," was the call made by this woman's partner, who also shared other information about the man in the Facebook group "Holguín & más."

Facebook capture/Christoph Gruhn

Other information provided by the man was that Enrique “was in the Czech Republic in the 90s, where he met the woman in the photo. They have a daughter together. “Erika, my girlfriend.”

The young woman wanted to meet her father and that is why she made the request to locate him.

Facebook capture/Christoph Gruhn

Although no more details are provided about how it was possible to locate Enrique, in some comments several people were willing to collaborate in his search.

Recently the news broke ofa Cuban looking for her mother, who gave her up for adoption when she was seven months old, before leaving Cuba during the Mariel exodus in 1980.

The family is looking for Lidia María Chirino Hernández, a native of Villa Clara and who lived in Matanzas before leaving the country more than 40 years ago, after giving up her seven-month-old daughter, who then responded to the name Leticia Chirino Hernández, for adoption. .

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