Marco Antonio Solís' beautiful congratulations to his Cuban wife Cristy for Valentine's Day

The artist cannot hide the love he feels for his wife, the Cuban Cristy Salas.

Marco Antonio Solís y Cristy © Marco Antonio Solís / Instagram
Marco Antonio Solís and Cristy Photo © Marco Antonio Solís / Instagram

With this Valentine's Day Endless congratulatory messages have arrived through social networks, in which entertainment stars have expressed the great love they feel for their partners and the great meaning they have in their lives.

One of them has been the beautiful dedication that the famous Mexican musician, singer and composer Marco Antonio Solis He has sent his wife, the Cuban Cristy Salas, to celebrate February 14.

The music star shared a series of images of both on her Instagram profile and along with them she wrote some beautiful words to the person who has been her partner for more than 30 years.

"My partner, my friend, my eternal girlfriend, my lover. You are God's blessing on my path. Happy Day of Love!"added Marco Antonio Solís.

Cristy Salas did not hesitate to respond to her husband's message of love and published some photographs of some of her trips on her Instagram account.

"In a world of words, I stick with the facts. Happy love day, my love", added the businesswoman to her post.

Cristy Salas

Marco Antonio Solís and Cristy Salas have been married for more than 30 years and are parents of two young people who have inherited the artist's taste and talent for music, Marla and Alison.

The Mexican musician and the Cuban businesswoman have always been an example that love can go hand in hand with fame and today they form one of the most stable couples in the world of Latin entertainment.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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