Marco Antonio Solís congratulates his wife, the Cuban Cristy Salas, with a romantic birthday message

Cristy Solís reflects on her life and career as she celebrates her birthday: "I appreciate it more every day"

Marco Antonio Solís y Cristy Salas © Instagram / Cristy Salas
Marco Antonio Solís and Cristy Salas Photo © Instagram / Cristy Salas

The popular Mexican artistMarco Antonio Solís congratulated his wife, the Cuban Cristian Salas, better known as Cristy Solís, with a beautiful message on his Instagram profile, where he posted some photos of his wife.

"Happy birthday, my beloved! May God continue to illuminate you and give you everything you deserve for everything you give, in health, love and happiness. Thank you for making me so happy and for being the blank page that always inspires me to write the next part of my life. "I love you."wrote the Mexican singer, who has been married to the Cuban woman for more than three decades.

The Cuban businesswoman responded to her husband's beautiful words with the following message:"Thank you for these 30 years together full of magical moments! I love you!"

To celebrate her birthday and remind all her followers of this day marked on the calendar, Cristy published an album of photos starring her on her Instagram profile and wrote the following text:

"Cheers for a wonderful year lived. The “present” is a treasure full of magical moments and happiness is very personal and unique. When you come to understand this, you begin to live life in your own way! Because time does not stop and There is no more beautiful mission than being and doing things as they make you feel fulfilled! Living life in your own way, in your own time, with the successes and with unique difficulties of your own path.I feel extremely fulfilled and blessed by those who are in my life, by so many unique and unrepeatable moments!".

"This year allowed me to return to the state where I grew up and was immensely happy (New York and New Jersey), I reconnected with wonderful people, discovered new places and shared it with my sisters in life,It has been a true gift to see my daughters grow in their art and celebrate 30 years of marriage with my beloved Marco Antonio Solís, loving my career more every day, being invited to the White House as an immigrant mother meant a lot to me. And be clear about my life purposes. Every day you need less and appreciate more."added the Cuban.

The couple met in 1991 in the city of New Jersey (United States) during the filming of a music video for the singer with his former group Los Bukis. Two years later, in 1993, they said 'I do', sealing their love at the altar. The fruit of his love are his two daughters Marla and Alison, who have followed their father's artistic path.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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