Heartbreaking testimony of imprisoned mother whose son was murdered two months ago in Santiago de Cuba

The Cuban woman urges all mothers to take care of their children.

Anisleidis Good, a Cuban mother who is imprisoned and whose 16-year-old son was stabbed to death at a street party in Santiago de Cuba in December, offered a heartbreaking testimony in which she conveyed her experience to other mothers, advising them to take care of their children. children, that they talk to them, that they take them to a psychologist if necessary and that they never physically abuse them.

Bueno - who is 35 years old and is being held in the Mar Verde women's prison - showed in a video released by the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta two letters that she received from her son last year, letters that showed how much her son missed her, needed her and in which he told her to be strong.

“In May, it seemed to me that my son was saying goodbye to me.”, said the woman with regret, who assured that she makes public the letters for mothers who have grown children, who have many children and who sometimes do not see or do not realize what they go through, what they suffer.

In the letters in question the minor, who was murdered just a few months later, It referred to the nostalgia of the good and bad times lived with her mother and gave her strength to resist until she was released from prison.

“Many things happen in life. Your heart is made of iron, you hold on until they give you freedom. These are obstacles that God places so that we can be strong. Everything passes, don't cry anymore. Be strong that everything here is going to be okay. I love you mom, I love you mom,” said the last of those letters from young Drayan Enrique Cuevas Bueno.

Anisleidis admits that she resorted to physical violence against her son at various times because he was spoiled, but she claims that this changed since she went to prison, which somehow made her more compassionate.

“Take care of your children, give them confidence, don't hit them so hard. I was a mother who gave a lot to my son, but thank God when I fell prey it seems that life... but I never raised my hand to my son, I talked a lot with him when I was here at home... but I was not here" lamented Anisleidis, who says that the three-day pass they gave him was not enough time to correct many things that were wrong.

In her message, the Cuban mother urged other mothers to be aware of their children who are on the street, even if they are 15 or 20 years old.

"They are our children, we are going to take care of them, we are going to take them to the psychologist... Due to things in life I fell prey and his father had died when he was nine years old, he also lost his stepfather, who had been like his father... He was left as owner of the world, without anyone, without a mother there.”, Anisleidi said sadly.

“When you don't have your dad or your mom, you are nobody. "There are people who do grow in life, but a child like him was not going to grow," reflects the woman from pain, who emphasizes that, although there were other family members with him, her son lacked the rigor of not have no mother or father.

Anisleidi Bueno says she is making efforts to get ahead, they have put her to work, but she admits that she is “empty.”

“I will never be okay because of my baby, that was my baby.”, he said at the conclusion of his shocking testimony.

In the text that accompanied Anisleidi's statements, Yosmany Mayeta specified that the case touches him closely because the woman was his schoolmate.

“Personally, this unfortunate event touches me and even more so now, almost two months after this murder, because Anisleidis Bueno studied with me from primary and secondary school in Altamira. I am very sorry for what you are experiencing and even more so when you leave and cannot be received by your eldest son, who was cruelly massacred.”, he noted.

“I ask for a prayer for Anisleidis Bueno so that he can find some comfort. I demand justice for the murder of Drayan Enrique and I ask that the full weight of the law fall on the guilty,” Mayeta Labrada concluded.

According to what was revealed at the time through the independent journalist himself, The 16-year-old was murdered during a party by a person with whom he had previously had problems.

According to the account of the events, Cuevas Bueno was stabbed for the first time in which the murderer told him “I gave you so you can see that I am handsome.” In the second stab wound received, the murdered young man cried out to his perpetrator - known as Rey - not to continue.

At that time it emerged that Drayan Enrique Cuevas Bueno's mother was in prison and that his father had committed suicide.

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