Harrow loaded with boxes of beer overturns in Camagüey

A video shared on social media showed the container on the side of the road, with the cargo spread out over a meadow.

A harrow carrying a container apparently loaded with boxes ofbeer, beverages and other food products turned this Sunday intoCamaguey.

“Ciego Division – Camagüey. I don't know details. When I came through Jatibonico, a tow truck was driving with a black International [truck] in tow, with a container loading plate in tatters. I imagine it is that [the accident truck], because later, in the division, the container was overturned,” reported a social media user.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

A video shared by the Internet user in the Facebook group 'Buses & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!', he showed the container on the side of the road, with the cargo spread out on a meadow.

This editorial team was unable to specify the content of the cargo from the images, but it appeared to be food products and alcoholic beverages. In itvideo shared, one person is heard saying that they were “boxes of beer.”

Just hours before last New Year's Eve, an almendrón that was traveling along the capital's Rancho Boyeros avenue had an accident andAn attached trailer that was loaded with cases of Bucanero beer overturned. The merchandise was scattered in the middle of the street.

In mid-August 2022,hundreds of beer bottles broke and ended up scattered on the road in Villa Clara, after a truck dropped part of its load.

According to everything it seems to indicate (from the images and the testimony of several users), although you can see hundreds of broken bottles, these were empty and did not contain beer.

In July 2019, an accident in which she was involveda harrow that carried more than 500 cases of beer It took place between Varadero and the city of Matanzas. The event occurred on the so-called Varadero-Matanzas expressway, between El Mamey beach and the Camilitos school.

The harrow, which belonged to the Mayabeque Beverages and Soft Drinks Company, came off the axle and this caused the vehicle to lose control. "The driver was able to maintain control as much as possible. A dozen cases of beer fell onto the road," said a witness to the incident.

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