They locate a young Cuban whose whereabouts are unknown

The young woman's whereabouts were unknown since last Thursday.

Mavis Lestrange, joven cubana que estuvo en paradero desconocido © Collage Facebook/Evelyns Suñe
Mavis Lestrange, young Cuban whose whereabouts are unknown Foto © Collage Facebook/Evelyns Suñe

The young Cuban woman identified in networks as “Mavis Lestrange”, who had been missing since February 15, as reported by her mother Evelyn Suñe, was located and not only that, but she also reappeared on Facebook to clarify that she is well and that it was all a misunderstanding.

“Really, I was not aware that so many people would care, because when I look at my side I only have my mother and a very very few friends. It was just a misunderstanding, I wasn't lost, I just didn't call my mother to tell her and she, a mother at last, became desperate.“explained the young woman at the beginning of her publication.

Mavis did not explain where she was, but unlike many other cases of Cubans reported missing who are later found safe and sound, in her case the young woman announced her location herself.

She thanked those who cared and shared the publications and did not miss the opportunity to throw a dart at her biological father for worrying about her only in a case like this and also launched - in a more joking tone - a reproach to her own mother.

“It seems that something bad has to happen to me for you to be interested and even call by phone, which wow, it amazes me because for more than a year I haven't received a call from you about all this. Wow, you won the award for best father,” he reproached his father.

Mom (Evelyn Suñe), next time don't publish old photos because then they would never have found me if I had really gotten lost.", he added in a more relaxed comment addressed to his mother.

Facebook Capture/Mavis Lestrange

In the comments section, dozens of those close to the young woman were happy that she is fine and took the opportunity to advise her not to leave her mother without news because citizen security is at a minimum in Cuba.

Among the comments there was also a loving exchange of messages between mother and daughter.

“I love you very much my love, I hope you are more judicious. I love you,” wrote Evelyn Suñe; to which her daughter responded: “I also love you a lot, my crazy exaggeration.”

In the previous publication, Evelyn Suñe Salazar had explained that her daughterHe had gone out to pay for the electricity and had not returned home, something that had the family worried because they explained that the young woman was not used to staying away from home.

Cuban authorities ask families to wait 48 hours to make reports of people absent from home. For this reason, families find a place on the networks to start the search on their own.

Evelyn Suñe Salazar is a political activist and wife of Cuban political prisoner Daniel Moreno de la Peña, imprisoned in the Combinado del Este in Havana, who has carried out several hunger strikes.

Reports of disappearances of Cubans have become more frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help through social networks to obtain information, in the midst of a context of growing violence in the country.

This Monday it was also news thata Cuban resident in the Havana municipality of Guanabacoa, who was missing since Saturday morning, he was also located safe and sound, according toconfirmed on social networks Ezequiel Echevarría, uncle of the young man.

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