Emotional: Cuban reunites with his mother in Cuba after years without seeing her

TikTok user @eleguasitoo thrilled his followers with the precious moment he experienced with his mother on his return to Cuba.

A young Cuban shared the emotional images ofreunion that took place with his mother in Cuba after 3 years without seeing her. The moving video was broadcast on @eleguasitoo's TikTok account, where it exceeds twenty thousand reproductions.

Upon his return to the island, this young migrant also reunited with his children. A moment full of hugs, emotion and a lot of happiness at being able to be with your loved ones again after more than three years.

These types of videos starring Cubans reuniting with their families on the island, the surprise visits or the endless hugs in airports around the world are already a genre of their own on social networks, where the rest of Internet users cannot help but get excited about the protagonists. of these stories.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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