El Chulo: "In Cuba there is a dictatorship that is killing our brothers"

"The dictatorship that exists in Cuba, I believe that there have been too many years of being under the yoke of all those communists who are destroying our country," he added.

The Cuban reggaeton player Abel Díaz Rodríguez, better known as The Pimp, gave an interview to presenter Enrique Santos in which he spoke about various topics, both personal and his artistic life.

In addition, the reggaeton player spoke openly about his political position and what he thinks about the communist system that Cuba is experiencing after many decades.

"In Cuba there is a dictatorship that is killing our Cuban brothers in Cuba and we urgently need a change", El Chulo first said.

He then added: "The dictatorship that exists in Cuba, I believe that there have been too many years of being under the yoke of all those communists who are destroying our country".

Regarding his family, El Chulo commented that he has been lucky enough to get his family off the island and that they no longer have to live under the communist regime of Cuba:

"I consider myself a warrior, a privileged person in life, by God and all the fans who support me have given me the opportunity to get my entire family out of that dictatorship, it is the main thing", said.

Regarding the challenges he has had to face since starting a new life in Miami, El Chulo spoke about the success he now enjoys and about when he was in prison.

"And then having left prison, I think you can count on one hand the number of people who come from a situation like that and manage to be successful. I was imprisoned for a problem I had when I was leaving a nightclub for attempted murder, it was the charge they gave me. I was in prison for a year.", he expressed.

Regarding the amounts of money he currently earns with his music, the reggaeton player was honest and said: "I charge here in Miami 30 thousand dollars per show and outside of Miami 18 thousand and thank God it is 3 and 4 every month".

What do you think?


Filed in:

Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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 +1 786 3965 689

Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.