The Pimp

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The PimpPhoto © artist's Instagram

Abel Díaz Rodríguez, popularly known as El Chulo and The President of the Neighborhood, is a Cuban reggaeton artist belonging to the urban music genre. He was born in Belén, La Habana on June 24th, 1990.

When he started making music in Cuba, in the Old Havana neighborhood of Havana, the urban genre representatives were Los Generales, Michel delgado, son of Issac Delgado, Jose Juanqui, with whom he formed a group. He always had clear that he wanted to emigrate to the United States. He always leaned towards the reggaeton genre. His childhood unfolded in an environment marked by marginality.

In Cuba, she worked as a backing singer for Chocolate MC, with whom she recorded the song that propelled him to fame and with whom she decided to start making music. She owes her nickname El Chulo to her mother, who gave it to her in reference to the fact that only her son could live off her.

In 2016, when he was already living in Miami, he was arrested and charged with second-degree attempted murder for shooting an officer, to which Díaz Rodríguez eventually pleaded guilty and served time in prison. After serving his sentence, he found great support from a friend who owned a recording studio and who he said taught him how to sing, as he only knew how to rap and found it impossible to do choruses. His perspective on his own music changed, and the goal of his current career, as he himself has stated, is to make the genre Reparto international.

El Chulo has participated in several performances alongside other urban music artists from Cuba such as El Micha, El Taiger, Yakarta, Jacob Forever, Señorita Dayami, Baby Lorens, Lenier Mesa, Yomil y el Dany, the Puerto Rican Lary Over, and Gente de Zona with whom he recorded "Loco por bailar contigo" in 2019. He has achieved significant success with his music and has performed in New Jersey. His songs have garnered over 1 million views on YouTube.

In September 2018, he was one of those involved in the alleged episode of aggression against the Cuban singer Gorki Ávila, which took place a week ago in the studios of Channel 41 in Miami when asked about Decree 349, through which the Cuban government aims to limit the freedom of artists on the island. El Chulo defended his fellow professionals who refused to discuss politics and ended up attacking Gorki with a beating. Gorki ended up calling the police, and El Chulo was eventually expelled from Channel 41.

His singles "Que mostra eres tú" and "Te estoy explicando" reached the Gold Record certification in June 2020.

In 2018, she joined the Spectacular concert in Miami by Gente de Zona, Marc Anthony, Leoni Torres, Diana Fuentes, and other Cuban artists.

In May 2020, he/she posted a video in which he/she clearly states his/her political position towards the Cuban regime, which he/she attacks by calling himself/herself part of the resistance and promising to denounce the dictatorship in every interview he/she gives. "Until when? Years and decades go by and they continue to trample on the people," he/she stated. His/her statements were well received among his/her followers.

On his social media, he boasts about his economic achievements and has recently made headlines for sharing pictures of his new $175,000 Rolls Royce purchased in cash, while also announcing the upcoming cash purchase of his house. In May 2020, he sent money to a disabled woman in Cuba whose case had been posted on social media and moved the artist, who wanted to disclose the amount of his donation so that other performers would follow suit.

His album "El Presidente" is scheduled to be released in October 2020.