Leoni Torres meets Olga Tañón: "I was surprised when she told me that she listens to my music"

Leoni Torres is surprised to know that Olga Tañón listens to her music: "I have admired her deeply"

What a surprise it wasLeoni Torresupon meetingOlga Tañón. The Cuban singer, who has been an admirer of the Puerto Rican's music for years, did not hesitate to immortalize himself with her to share details of their meeting.

"I have listened to the music of this great woman @olgatanonofficial for years and I have deeply admired her. What I did not imagine is that she also listened to me and I was surprised when she told me," the performer wrote on his social networks, thus revealing that Olga Tañón is another fan of his music, which has not been a surprise for his fans, who adore the Cuban's songs.

"How can we not listen to your beautiful music, two greats together", "What beauties!!! Is that duet coming? Good", "Bafff, a duet of yours would be a bomb", "Leoni, don't you surprise, you are great!!! She knows how to admire the good, because she is great too" or "Successes Leoni. Your music is the best, you are a great talent and you deserve to be where you are", are some of the comments they left for him. Cuban singer, who has awakened the desire of his followers to listen to the two artists together in the same song. Will it happen?

But this is not the only photo in company that Leoni Torres has surprised her friends with.followers from Instagram.His previous publication are several snapshots in the company of... Ana Barbara!

The Cuban singer coincided with the Mexican singer and also took a photo with her to post on his social networks.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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