Venezuelan tells how her life has changed by being married to a Cuban: "Beans can never be missing"

Venezuelan goes viral when she tells of the changes she has made in her life by being with a Cuban

When you get married many things change, but even more so if the members of the couple are from different countries. As is the case of a Venezuelan who has gone viral by telling the changes she made in her life by marrying a Cuban.

The Venezuelan posted a TikTok recounting the changes she has experienced in her daily life after being married to a Cuban.

"I am Venezuelan married to a Cuban, I know that I must make coffee in the morning, afternoon, night, noon, early morning, at all hours", says Carla d'Empaire, who appears in the video with her baby, at one point in the video.

Other habits that Carla highlights in her video is that at home "there can never be a lack of beans" and that "they always end up talking about politics."

To finish this video with humor, the TikToker adds that by having her Cuban husband, both she and her baby learned to do the guachineo step.

Carla's video has thousands of views on TikTok and she released a second part to add more habits that she changed in her life after being married to a Cuban.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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