Yumas: Española stops driving buses and succeeds with Cuban dance school

The students of the academy are known as "the yumas", fans of Cuban dances in the Basque Country.

The SpanishValle Túñez, a dance teacher, stands out in the Basque Country, with her Cuban dance academy that has a suggestive name: "Yumas."

This weekend they are preparing a dance event that will bring together more than 300 people from their region, lovers of salsa, rumba, cha-cha, Afro-Cuban music and other Latin genres such as bachata.

"Yumas It is how foreigners are known in Cuba. I wanted the name to identify what I am and my origins," Valle explained in an interview with the Basque media outlet.Deia.

He said that about two decades ago he approached thecuban culture and was forever captivated by the rhythm of the island.

"It is a culture that contributes a lot to people because while you are dancing you forget about problems, routines, etc. That is why whoever tries it, repeats," commented the Spaniard.

At 21 years old, Valle got her bus driving license, inspired by her mother who is the first female taxi driver in her town.

Working as a bus driver, he traveled through much of Spain and half of Europe. However, after the coronavirus pandemic, he decided to turn his life around and put thecuban dance above other jobs.

Theball academy "Yumas" It is gaining notoriety in various cities in the Basque Country, such as Mungia, Gernika and Bermeo.

His students are known as"the yumas" fans of Cuban dances in Euskadi and their events have a great participation. The next one will be this weekend in Derio. Valle has had the help of his niece Eneritz González, a young woman in whom he instilled his passion for Cuban culture.

"There is a lot of level here. For example, when we go outside, they always tell me 'it seems incredible that you are Basque,'" Valle said proudly about the ease they have in her academy when it comes to dancing to the rhythms of Cuba.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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