Details come to light about a spectacular fire at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba

Students complain about the poor conditions of the scholarship.

Momento del incendio (i) y Estados en que quedó el lugar en que se desató el incendio (d) © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Time of the fire (i) and States in which the place where the fire broke out was (d) Photo © Collage Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

An electrical overload was the cause that allegedly caused an accident on Tuesday night.spectacular fire in one of the two medical schools in the city of Santiago de Cuba, according toconfirmed In the last few hours, journalist Yosmany Mayeta cited as a source the anonymous testimony of people who were at the scene.

According to a medical studentThe electrical overload was caused by using electric stoves and heaters to heat water for bathing.

“We have to put this equipment in, because with the cold weather everyone wants hot water for the bathroom. I'll send you a photo of where the breaker that exploded was and please without revealing my name."said the witness.

The photo in question shows part of a black wall as a result of the fire, something that contrasts with the magnitude of the flames that were seen in the images spread on networks.

The same source revealed the poor state of the electrical system of the Santiago student institution, and in general the poor conditions in which they exist.

“Not to mention the chinchero that exists”, he noted.

According to the report of another of those present, the affected area is still without electricity.

“The fourth floor of scholarship students does not have power right now, we are waiting for when they want to come and solve the problem”stressed another source, also on condition of anonymity.

"That scholarship sucks"; "That happens every two or three years"; "How sad! This is how everything is in our country: finished"; were some comments on Mayeta's publication.

"I don't understand, an electricity overload if we barely have power, everything is blackout after blackout," said another Internet user.

The fire broke out in an area of the Faculty of Medical Sciences number 2, a student center located near the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital.

Despite the shocking images spread on social networks,There were no injuries or deaths in the incident.

Videos published On Facebook they showed students and staff leaving the place while some flames were seen on an upper floor of the building.

However,Suddenly they felt like several explosions that increased the strength of the fire and unleashed screams of fear among those present.

So far neither the institution nor the official media have reported on the event, which confirms the poor state in which scholarship students remain in the country, an evil even prior to the acute economic crisis of recent years.

Aging facilities, with little or no maintenance, and a total lack of resources, is the drama that scholarship students throughout the country have experienced for decades.

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