Emotional: Cuban reunites with her family at Miami airport

The family was neighbors of journalist Javier Díaz in Cuba. The young woman has been in Miami for years and now her mother, her little brother, her stepfather and his brother arrived, via Nicaragua.

A Cuban woman was able to reunite with her family in the United States, one of those emotional family reunions that spread on the Internet and move Cubans no matter where they are.

On this occasion, the video was shared onTikTok by the journalistUnivisionJavier Díaz, since its protagonists are his former neighbors in Cuba.

"I played with them and they watched me grow. "Her daughter has been in Miami for a few years and received her mother, her younger brother, her stepfather and her mother's husband's brother," she said.

The recording begins with the moment when the girl runs away when she sees them. Of the group, the one who comes forward is her little brother, who joins her in a strong hug, to which her mother joins.

"Oh, how big you are, my dear, so small that I left you!" exclaimed the young woman as she hugged the child, almost her size.

According to the reporter, the four left Cuba via Nicaragua and spent a long stay in Mexico before arriving in the United States.

"Cuba continues to empty and its people shout only freedom day after day," said Díaz.

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