Young Cubans deliver food to beggars in Santa Clara

The benefactors are part of the "I was Hungry" project, promoted by the Nuestra Señora del Carmen parish in the capital of Villa Clara.

Mendigos en Santa Clara © Facebook/Diócesis de Santa Clara
Beggars in Santa Clara Photo © Facebook/Diocese of Santa Clara

A group of young Cubans organized by the Diocese of Santa Clara delivered food to homeless people in the city of Santa Clara, in the context of worsening poverty on the island.

The benefactors are part of the "I was Hungry" project, promoted by the Nuestra Señora del Carmen parish in the capital of Villa Clara, reported the Press Office of the Bishopric of Santa Clara in Facebook.

"In these hard times, how beautiful and hopeful it is to see this group of young people accompanied by their pastors, catechists, animators or Salesian cooperators..., walking the cold streets of the center of the city of Santa Clara carrying a plate of hot food and a word of love and hope to so many who sleep on the streets," the publication states.

Publication in Facebook

The Church invites the young people of the province to participate and collaborate with that initiative, and leave the telephone number of Deacon Maykel Gomez Hernández for more information, +53 59069306.

Projects like this multiply in other provinces such as Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey and Havana, after the current Cuban economic crisis threw more than 89 percent of the country's population to the limits of poverty.

The population of people in street situation has multiplied, and those most affected tend to be the elderly, statistics from independent observatories indicate.

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