Homeless man found dead on Holguín street

The man was found dead on the corner of the pizzeria on Avenida de los Álamos, a few meters from a high school, in the Holguin city. Hours after the discovery, the body had not been removed by the authorities.

Cadáver del mendigo sobre una acera © Facebook/Yanet Rodríguez
Beggar's corpse on a sidewalk Photo © Facebook/Yanet Rodríguez

AndHomeless man woke up dead on a corner in the city of Holguín this Thursday, and his body was still not removed from the place hours after the discovery, according to witness reports.

“The body of a homeless person was found on the corner of the pizzeria on Avenida de los Álamos, 10:45 AM, it still remains in place, just meters from a high school. "What are the authorities of Holguín waiting for to send Legal Medicine and remove him from the place," he warned in aposting on Facebook the user Yanet Rodriguez.

Facebook screenshot/Yanet Rodríguez

In the photo you can see the body on the sidewalk, covered with a sheet, in view of neighbors and people passing by the place, while a MININT officer talks on the phone in the doorway of the house on the corner.

The identity of the deceased man is unknown, and whether his body had already been removed at the time of publishing this note.

Several people reacted indignantly and distressed at the scene. “Poor, not even dying with dignity in that country,” lamented a young woman, while another pointed out: “Same fate as stray animals, what a…. [feces emoji] from a country where life is not respected.”

Another Cuban recalled the vaunted phrase of the country's leadership: “'No one will be left helpless!' Surely Marrero didn't know anything.”

In recent years, similar events have been reported in other Cuban provinces, given the apathy and insensitivity of the regime authorities who continue to preach a policy of assistance and social security that, in daily reality, does not guarantee the rights of all vulnerable people. .

Last year,An elderly homeless man was found dead on top of a garbage can in Santa Clara, where he remained several hours before the forensic authorities removed the body. According to local residents, the man ate garbage.

Every day it is more common to find people living on the streets in Cuba, who survive by begging for alms or searching for food scraps in garbage dumps.

Elderly, mentally ill or people with disabilities, without family or home, roam alone or sometimes accompanied by a pet,thrown on old cardboard in the streets, parks and doorways of the country.

On social networks, Cubans have noted theseverity of the phenomenon of begging in Cuba, whose government has always boasted that there are no people on the streets begging for alms so they can put something in their mouths and survive.

independent organizations,religious people and institutions and activists often go tohelp these people, to whom they provide food and clothing.

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