Young man shot in Downtown Miami refuses to collaborate with the Police

The 18-year-old, whose identity has not been revealed, was injured during a shooting in the early hours of Tuesday, but is out of danger. The police ruled out that he was the victim of an attempted robbery, but presume that it could be a domestic violence incident.

And 18-year-old young man who was shot near Downtown Miami In the early hours of this Tuesday he is out of danger, but refuses to cooperate with the Police.

After receiving reports of a shooting Around 4:15 a.m., Miami Police responded to the area of 15th Street and North Miami Avenue and found the injured young man outside the Chapman Center, an institution that serves homeless people.

Mike Vega, spokesperson for the Miami Police, informed AmericaTeVé what staff Miami Fire Rescue He transported the victim to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he received medical attention.

After being discharged, he was taken to the police station to be questioned, but he did not want to cooperate with the officers. The young man refused to say where he lives or what he was doing there. The Police have not revealed his identity.

The agents are reviewing the videos captured by surveillance cameras at 1550 North Miami Avenue to investigate what happened, but they rule out that the incident was the result of a itent of asault.

According to what has been investigated so far, the authorities presume that it could be an incident of domestic violence and not that the young man has been the victim of a robbery or similar event. “By him not cooperating with us, (...) he is possibly covering up the person who shot him,” Vega told the television channel.

During the interview with police, the victim reported feeling in pain and was taken back to Jackson Memorial.

According to witnesses, at least three shots were fired. A local resident said that, apparently, there were two people arguing, a car came out and someone shot.

Area residents are concerned about what they see as an increase in violence on the streets, the report noted.

The investigation into the incident remains ongoing.

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