Moving reunion of a young Cuban with her mother on her return to Cuba

Cuban surprises her family with an emotional reunion upon returning to Cuba unexpectedly

A new reunion, one of the scenes that most excites Cubans around the world, has been captured on social networks, where the user @yasnayhh75 sharedthe moving video when he arrives in Cuba as a surprise to surprise his mother.

In the video we see the young Cuban arriving at her house in Cuba completely excited and happy to see her mother again after a long time away from her and when she enters she embraces her mother, who bursts into tears with emotion. .

"For God's sake, tears came out that we can all reach that moment", "It's not easy how many mothers there are suffering for their children", "Awwww I cried with you, how beautiful they are all united, congratulations", "You made me cry, how emotional, you almost killed her" or "I cried like a little girl, congratulations and blessings", are some of the comments that are read along with the emotional scene.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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