Russians defy Putin and flock to Alexei Navalny's funeral in Moscow

The opponent and political prisoner died in the Siberian prison where he was serving a 19-year sentence.

In a challenge to the government of Vladimir Putin, thousands of Russians came to the funeral of the opposition Alexei Navalny, who lost his life in prison a few days ago, when he was serving a 19-year prison sentence.

During the funeral service, grief was combined with protest by attendees, who gathered in a show of solidarity and support for the democratic ideals that Navalny embodied.

At 47 years old, Navalny's death in a Siberian penitentiary center, generated commotion among his followers and among the detractors of the Russian regime.

According to attendees, Navalny was more than a politician. He lived his convictions authentically, earning the respect and loyalty of millions of people who saw him as a bringer of change and hope for Russia.

Despite the imposing police presence and stern government warnings against congregating at unofficial events, a crowd of Russians attended peacefully, with flowers in hand, and chanting Navalny's name, defying the fear established by the authorities.

The presence of prominent figures such as Yevgeny Roizman and diplomats from countries such as the United States, Germany and France.

Boris Nadezhdin, another politician with presidential aspirations recently excluded by the Russian Electoral Commission, also joined the farewell to Navalny.

The death of the opponent has resonated as a tragic event for those who want democratic change in the country. The impact was such that parallel ceremonies were organized in various parts of the world in his memory.

Navalny, who was recognized in 2021 with the prestigious Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Conscience from the European Parliament, has left behind a legacy of struggle and principles. His departure is not only a loss for his family and friends, but also a blow to freedom of expression and democracy in Russia.

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