New price increase for the dollar and the euro in Cuba

Economist Pavel Vidal predicts that before the end of March the dollar and the euro could exceed the level of 340 CUP in the informal market.

Calle en La Habana Vieja © CiberCuba
Street in Old Havana Photo © CiberCuba

Dollar and euro woke up this Wednesday with new record sales figures. After three days without increases, this March 6, the average sales price of two of the three reference currencies in the informal market warn that the abyss of the devaluation of the peso is getting worse.

Both scale two weights in relation to theprices that reached last March 2. The US currency thus rises this Wednesday to 317 CUP and the euro to 322.

The average sale of the Freely Convertible Currency (MLC), does remain at 270 CUP for the moment, as revealed by the daily rate of the independent mediaelToque, which documents the oscillations in the informal price of currencies in the country.

Until when will the price of currencies in Cuba continue to rise? It is the question that many ask.

The economist Pavel Vidal in the most recentmonthly report of the Observatory of Currencies and Finances of Cuba (OMFi) warned that"The forecast models predict, in the central scenario, that the value of the USD and the euro in the informal market could exceed the 340 peso mark in March."

The median of values registered in the last 24 hours marks purchase offers for the US currency at 315 pesos and 318 for sale, which could be an indication of a new price increase.

The average for the euro, for its part, is 320 when buying and 322 when selling.

In the case of the MLC, the median value is 268 upon acquisition and 270 upon sale.

Median purchase and sale values in the Cuban informal market for the three main reference currencies (elToque)

The increase in the value of the euro and the dollar takes place a few days after the announcement of the entry into force ofthe new prices for fuel, which since March 1 is sold in dollars.

Last week the Cuban government ratified thefuel prices that had been announced in January, in addition to the list ofservice centers that will offer that service in dollars.

Regarding the new prices, the Minister of Finance and Prices expressed that they reflect a “recognition of all the costs and expenses incurred from their acquisition, processing and marketing.” The entry into force of the controversial measures had been postponed since February 1due to an alleged cyber attack.

The reference rate ofelToque It is prepared after the analysis of the purchase and sale advertisements of the three reference currencies published on social networks and classified websites. From this result, a price is established that is used to know the values of the main currencies that circulate in the country.

However, you must keep in mind that the representative rate is formed from purchase or sale announcements, that is, they are not concrete operations, but rather they express the desire of the actors who participate in that market. Hence, the figures shared should be taken as a reference only.

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