Cuban regime invests in meters to prevent electricity theft: "It's like installing a new thermoelectric plant"

Concentrated once again on the idea of "confronting illegalities" and "promoting savings", the regime's propaganda finds echo in the official press media that, far from critically analyzing the measures to put an end to the energy crisis, bow to the dictates of Palace.

TheElectrical Union of Cuba (UNE) invested in the acquisition of new meters to prevent electricity theft by its users and assured that, by avoiding fraud,guarantees a similar contribution to the national electroenergy system (SEN) as if a new thermoelectric plant had been installed.

“In the last three months, UNE has installed almost 34 thousand energy measurement equipment in homes and economic entities. Another 80 thousand devices are in the country and will also be placed in homes and economic centers,” highlighted a report from theNational Television News (NTV).

Issued this Tuesday, thereportage He praised the virtues of this investment and highlighted that the new equipment installed “has technologies that strengthen the equipment against illegalities.”

Focused again on the idea of “confronting illegalities” and "encourage savings", the regime's propaganda finds echo in the official press media, where supposed journalists do not critically question the situation ofenergy crisis that crosses the country and put themselves at the service of thestate company who drivesAlfredo Lopez Valdes.

According to the engineerDaniel Perez Garcia, general director of the Electric Company of Ciego de Ávila, the new meters have protection that prevents one of the most common electrical frauds in recent times from being committed: the installation of a magnet that stops their operation.

“In these meter meters, the quality of the energy measurement is not affected by the installation of a magnet… So, the concept of recovering the deterioration that the measurement had in the countryIt is practically like installing a new thermoelectric plant, because it is a sign of permanent savings,” said the manager.

Insisting on the idea that “the exact measurement of energy is one of the priorities in electrical management,” Pérez García celebrated the investment in the new equipment that does not allow “illicit manipulation that leads to the theft of energy.”

As an example of the effectiveness of the measure, the manager explained that families that previously consumed electricity irregularly begin to moderate their consumption once the new equipment that prevents fraudulent manipulations is installed.

“The same homes that consumed an average of 172 kWh in August, at the end of December their average consumption was below 100 kWh. That is, initially they maintain the consumption rate they had when they were charged by estimate and then they begin to regulate. That is the vision of the management of the Electrical Union,” he said.

For his part, the director of Electrical Management of the Morón municipality,Leandro León Frias, specified that to date 330 meter meters have been changed, “thus recovering energy for each client of around 172 kWh, which represents an approximate average of 56 MW/h per month.”

The investment, whose cost was not reported by the official media, coincides with the beginning ofthe application in the country of the new rate for high consumers, one of the measures contemplated inthe “package” that is beginning to be implemented to “correct distortions and re-boost the economy”.

“It's not about raising money. Today the country is going through a very complex energy situation.If we do not minimize or guarantee savings, we will not minimize the blackout", stated León Frías.

“By reducing the consumption of each home, this is automatically reflected in fuel consumption and in the reduction of the blackout time of Cubans.That is the intention of the State with the increase in the rate”concluded Pérez García.

Without data to support the calculations made,the Cuban official press once again serves as a speaker for theregime propaganda, pointing out that the culprits of the blackouts (in addition to the blockade and fuel shortages) are UNE customers who commit fraud when reading their consumption.

In mid-November, authorities of the Cuban regime stated thatElectricity thefts in the country reached 20 gigawatt-hours (GWh) during the month of October.

“In October, the confrontation with fraud and technical losses in the Electricity service allowed us to recover about 20 gigawatt-hours in Cuba. Of that value, 17.32 gigawatt-hours correspond to Havana, which is equivalent to more than 3,800 tons of fuel," he indicated in hissocial networks the Caribbean Channel.

In the same report, the authorities who “faced energy fraud” were applauded thanks to “a digital tool conceived by engineers and specialists from Sancti Spiritus, and validated by the UNE”; tool that apparently was not enough to put an end to the meter fraud.

Three months after that news, theCuban Television returns to the fray with the Palacio's message of “confronting illegalities” andeven maintains that the investment in 114 thousand meters is equivalent to the installation of a new thermoelectric plant.

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