Cuban economy: distortions, deviations and non-compliance

The issue was settled by Manuel Marrero saying that when the 2024 economy was planned, it was done "knowing that the scenario was very complex."

One of the echoes of the meeting of the Council of Ministers covered by the official press and broadcast in pieces on the Midday News of the Cuban Television Information System, was the analysis of the behavior of the Cuban economy last year 2023 and the revelation of serious productive failures.

According to the Granma newspaper, the official organ of the Communist Party, the new Minister of Economy and Planning (MEP) Joaquín Alonso Vázquez, who will replace Alejandro Gil at the head of the portfolio, revealed that “the agreement was not met in the balance of production national food price in items such as eggs, milk, beef and pork.”

Later, he considered that “It is up to all of us, with the resources we have, to look for the best solutions to positively impact the results of the month of March.” The issue was settled by the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, saying that when the 2024 economy was planned, it was done “knowing that the scenario was very complex, knowing that the same intensified blockade would exist.”

And as a culmination, he insisted on the need for a “rigorous analysis of how compliance with the different plans is going,” to which must be added the “monthly check on the progress of budget execution in all entities, to "correct any deviation."

Following this doctrine, the Council of Ministers approved three new policies. The first, linked to Internal Trade, has as its main objective the “organization and modernization of this type of commerce throughout the national territory and in which innovation and development are integrated with the production of goods and services as a key factor. services, according to the minister of the branch, Betsy Díaz Velázquez.

The policy and draft Decree Law on International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation was also approved, highlighted by the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Carlos Luis Jorge Méndez as an effective tool for the “incorporation of universally accepted rules for arbitration.” which would guarantee a greater presence of the Cuban Court in the resolution of business disputes in the country.

The third is the policy and Bill “On transparency and access to public information”; proposal for a legal standard that will be integrated into the National System of Document Management and Archives, allowing for the ordering of what has been endorsed on these issues in the constitutional body, facilitating, above all, the Government-citizenship link.

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