Pope Francis's health is worrying: He has respiratory and mobility problems

The Holy Father was almost unable to climb the steps of the popemobile this Wednesday.

The concern forhealth of Pope Francis It intensifies due to his respiratory and mobility problems that were noted, in front of thousands of people gathered in St. Peter's Square.

In the last weekly audience, the Pope (87 years old) showed inability to climb the steps of the popemobile. An attendee had to read his catechism, continuing the trend of recent days due to his delicate state of health.

Last week, the Holy Father underwent diagnostic tests, the results of which have not yet been published.

During recent months, the Vatican has reported that the Pontiff suffered from influenza and acute infectious bronchitis, which even prevented him from making his scheduled trip to the Persian Gulf.

Aggravating his condition, the Pope has also faced problems with a broken knee and inflamed ligaments that have forced him to rely on a wheelchair, a cane or a walker.

At the end of the audience on March 6, Francis was unable to board the popemobile and had to use a wheelchair.

The Pope has a significant medical history, including partial lung removal and colon and intestinal surgeries. His health is a matter of attention in the Catholic Church and in the international community.

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