"Do you think ugly women exist?": The Goddess asks her fans when sharing photos of her new look

Hundreds of people praise her new hair color.

La Diosa con su pelo fucsia © Instagram / La Diosa
The Goddess with her fuchsia hair Photo © Instagram / The Goddess

With two photos in which she poses with professional stylist and 'colorist' Alex Flores Morales, The goddess He asked his fans if they believed "ugly women" existed.

"I believe that there are women without grooming themselves, what do you say?" she said in a publication shared a few hours ago, in which she thanked the Colombian for making her beautiful and asked her fans how much they would give to the artist with whom she poses in both photos.

In the reactions, many gave their opinion on the topic of debate, but the majority passed by to praise him for his new appearance.

"You looked gorgeous, 100"; "Beautiful Goddess. It turned out beautiful on you"; "You look much younger Goddess"; "Very pretty, the change has been positive and your lips have been very pretty"; "Truth that works wonders"; "Your look is very rejuvenating, it looks great on you, congratulations to the stylist"; "Well, you have to give him credit, he did wonders for you"; "You looked beautiful. Colombian 100"; "You look spectacular, radiant and beautiful"; "100 my life, you are beautiful, keep it up regardless of anyone's opinions"; "I give it infinite, what a beautiful job, it turned out fascinating, beautiful, beautiful, you remained what you are, a goddess; blessings," they commented on both Instagram and Facebook.

"There are no ugly women but poor women"; "There is no ugly woman but only a stingy man, and she can also be poorly groomed but because of her husband who is stingy"; "Beautiful. There are no ugly, poorly groomed women and stingy husbands"; "We are all beautiful with filters"; Others noted among the hundreds of comments that the post provoked, to which the aforementioned also reacted with a message in which he celebrated having met her.

Instagram / The Goddess

In the images, the Cuban artist shows off her striking and extra-long fuchsia hair with which she surprised a few days ago.

"I loved it, I don't care about anything else," she had said on February 24 when surprising her with her new hair color.

But happiness for the Cuban artist not only comes from the confidence with which she chooses each new look, every step he takes in his career or the achievements of his life in Miami, but also being able to make dreams come true, like singing with his daughter Reychel.

"We did it, the truth is that he was very excited by the lyrics of the song, but he did it very well, I'm super proud of her. This topic will come out soon. "We are going to start filming the video now," he said, sharing a video of a sweet moment with the girl after filming with her.

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