A Cuban mother travels to the island by surprise to reunite with her son after two years: "I was finally able to hug the love of my life"

The moving video is moving Cubans from all over the world.

A Cuban mother returned to the island after two years and hugged her son again.A moment full of emotion that is bringing tears to thousands of users after sharing it on TikTok.

The beautiful reunion between mother and son was shared by user @yudeimis1. An exciting video in which we see the Cuban woman walking down the street towards her family home when she meets her son, who runs into his mother's arms while shouting "mom."

"Surprise trip to my family after almost two years. Thank God that you always guide my steps. I was finally able to hug the love of my life," wrote the protagonist of this beautiful moment about the clip.

The scene is moving Cubans from all over the world who have been filled with emotion by this reunion.

"That mom hurt me. I don't know when I'll be able to see that hug, that 'mom'. I'm happy as if it were my own. Crying for other people's joys, but joy", "This video has made me cry, I have my child in Cuba and this is just beginning", "You brought tears to my eyes", "That's the best thing, seeing your loved ones again", "What a joy every time I see this it brings tears to my eyes", "That's how it's impossible not to cry, many blessings", "How beautiful it brought me to tears with your son's hug. Many blessings, congratulations", "How happy it makes me to see these videos that you meet again" or "How painful it is when he says mom, I can't wait to to be able to do the same, thousands of blessings", are some of the comments that can be read below the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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