Dany Ome and Kevincito El 13 return to Cuba after 12 years: This is how their fans received them

At the airport exit, several fans were waiting for them with signs and cell phones ready to take photos with them.

Dany Ome and Kevincito El 13 are visiting Cuba After 12 years and upon their arrival at the José Martí International Airport in Havana, their fans were waiting for them.

The Cuban Family uploaded videos of the singers' arrival to the island and the first meetings with the Cuban public.

The reggaeton artists, who in the last year have managed to sneak into the ranks of the most popular Cuban artists in the urban genre, greeted several people who recognized them and even photos were taken with airport staff.

At the exit Several fans were waiting for them with signs. and with cell phones ready to take photos.

In an interview for La Familia Cuba from the same airport, Dany Ome and Kevincito El 13 announced that They will record a very important video for them.

When asked if they will offer a concert, the reggaeton artists said yes but first they will organize their tour.

“The smell of Cuba is unique, it feels rich”, confessed Dany Ome in the midst of his joy at being back after so many years.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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