No news of three-year-old girl who disappeared 13 days ago in Havana

"My cousin Teresa went out with Paola, her daughter, and never returned. They found her lifeless on the coast of Cojímar, but with no signs of having drowned. Her body was taken there, we assume," said Rosana Álvarez Mayarí.

Lali Paola Moliner © Redes sociales
Lali Paola Moliner Photo © Social networks

The three-year-old Cuban girlLali Paola MolinerShe has been missing in Havana for 13 days without the authorities having given any news to her relatives.

Rosana Álvarez Mayari, cousin of the little girl's mother, reiterated on behalf of the family a request so that the case continues to be shared on networks and interest does not wane.

"Today 13 days ago my cousin Teresa went out with Paola, her daughter, and never returned. They found her lifeless on the coast of Cojímar, but with no signs of having drowned. Her body was taken there, we assume," he said inFacebook.

"Your girl Paola has not appeared, please help share once again. Thank you all for your constant concern and support, the family thanks you," he added.

Facebook capture / Rosana Álvarez Mayarí

Lali Paola resides in the Bahía neighborhood, in the Habana del Este municipality.She was last seen on Sunday, February 25. at night when her mother, Teresa Moliner Bosa, left with her from her parents' house heading to Cojímar, in the same municipality. Teresa, 24, was found dead the next day on the coast and there was no sign of her daughter.

Days later Arseni Moliner, brother of the deceased young woman, revealed to14 SeptemberwhatThere is an active police search for the minor.

Regarding his sister's death, he noted that they do not know if it was due to natural causes or a murder, since the police have not given that information to the family.

"We buried her yesterday in the Regla cemetery, and when we saw the body, we observed that her face was quite bruised and she did not have her belongings on her and her mobile phone is still missing. We do not know what happened to her," he said.

Another family source indicated to the aforementioned media that the girl has allergy problems and suffers from severe asthma attacks.

For her part, Rosana Alvarez Mayarí hasharshly criticized the authorities, whom he accuses of being ineffective in the resolution of the delicate case.

"Right now I want to know what the hell... is this government, the police, the Council of State of this filthy country doing, that they haven't found my three-year-old cousin," he wrote on Facebook days ago.

"It's been 10 days and nothing. If it were the daughter or granddaughter of one of them, I'm sure they would have found her by now, whatever the circumstance. If a foreigner disappears or they put a bomb in a tourist place, in In less than 24 hours they look for the culprit or invent it," he added.

In the comments section of that same publication, the woman threatened to stand in the Plaza de la Revolución this Friday.

"They are not looking for anyone, they are not doing anything...and it is not the only case in Cuba. There have been murders, disappearances and they wash their hands. How long is this government going to remain in charge?" tough questioning.

The girl's family has released the following phone numbers so that anyone with information about the girl's whereabouts can contact: 58385107, 53161904, 59040389 and 51976232.

So far there are no more details about the circumstances in which she disappeared or about the discovery of the mother's body.

Official media have not commented so far on the case, which adds to the growing wave of citizen insecurity that afflicts the country.

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