President of the Cuban Parliament demands his own solutions without guaranteeing the minimum to produce food

“We need to work to find our own solutions.”

Esteban Lazo en Sancti Spíritus ©

Offering the same justifications with which they try to explain the apathy and indifference to providing agricultural production units with what is necessary to provide food to the Cuban people, the president of the National Assembly of People's Power, Esteban Lazo Hernández, dared to to say that “In the midst of the difficulties generated by the United States economic blockade and the limitations to access supplies, Cuba's greatest potential lies in better using resources, generalizing good practices and shortening the time to solve problems.” .

During a visit to the Sur del Jíbaro Grain Agroindustrial Company, in Sancti Spíritus, where some 277 hectares of rice are planted, the official told them: “You have a privilege here: a well-designed agricultural and industrial infrastructure, land, water and people who know how to produce; However, practically all the rice in the basic basket is being imported.”

The also member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Council of State insisted that one of the most important resources for the Island is time. “We need to work to find our own solutions,” he slipped.

For his part, Osmel Otero Rodríguez, general director of the second largest producer of grain, noted that of the 15 thousand hectares planned to be planted this 2024 in the two campaigns, in the cold season they achieved about 5,700, a figure below what planned. “We have to stop seeing innovation and the application of science and technology as a slogan and bring them closer to the earth,” he sputtered.

The general director of the rice farm pointed out that of the 35,000 hectares that this site has, about 26,000 can be planted at this time and it meant that in the years 2017-2018, close to 120 thousand tons of wet paddy rice were obtained.

As a culmination, the delegation of officials and deputies extended their “tour” to “agricultural markets, state centers, communities in transformation, productive and service units, institutions, agricultural farms and businesses of self-employed workers. The Cuban deputies arrived and, in permanent dialogue with the people of Sancti Spiritus, they exchanged about current challenges and the issues that concern them most,” highlights the note published by the Cuban News Agency.

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