From conquering TikTok to singing with El Chacal: Cuban singer Yáyma fulfills her dream and announces collaboration with him

A young Cuban woman fulfills her dream of singing with El Chacal. This is how they advanced their collaboration on the way!

The Cuban singer Yáyma is a young woman with a great talent for music and several of his videos have hadgreat impact on TikTok, where he has more than ten thousand followers. However, his career is taking off and after conquering his fans, he now comes witha collaboration with El Chacal, a song that promises to take a leap in his career.

On her social networks, this young Cuban woman who lives in Miami announced that she has a collaboration on the way with the famous Cuban singer.A song called "Hate" and which he advanced with a short video in which they represent a scene of domestic violence.

"One of the best things that has happened to me in my career, having the opportunity to sing with an immense person from my country and the world, someone who I admire and respect very much as an artist and as a person, I grew up listening to his songs and today I am singing along to him, next to the Jackal", announced this Cuban excitedly, who still has not assimilated that this dream is a reality for her.

"God once again shows us that everything is possible and that we are neither early nor late, that we are in the perfect time for him and for us"Yáyma added.

Furthermore, in the text he made it clear that the video is a performance to reflect the reality of other people. "We say no to domestic violence and we hope that those who are going through something similar find peace and a solution"

In another publication, Yáyma uploaded some photos posing with El Chacal, where she received the support of her followers and also that of Señorita Dayana.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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