El Chacal and La Leidy celebrate the four months of their little Paris

Paris melted Instagram again with the photos her parents shared for her fourth month of life.

El Chacal y La Leidy © Instagram / La Leidy
The Jackal and La Leidy Photo © Instagram / La Leidy

El Chacal and La Leidy are celebrating!Their daughter Paris turned four months old, a birthday that the proud parents celebratedwith a beautiful photo of the baby on their social networks.

Through social networks, the Cuban singer and his wife shared a tender photo to pay tribute to the baby of the house, who is getting bigger and more beautiful every day.

"My happy 4 months," they wrote next to the snapshot, in which "the jackalita" appears sitting on a sofa in a pink outfit. To eat it!

Without a doubt, these are days of happiness and celebration at the family home, because just a week ago, everyone celebratedthe third birthday of Milan, the couple's first-born.

On March 22, the boy turned three years old, an age they celebrated witha great party in Miami that did not miss any detail.

Thanks to the Instagram accounts that El Chacal and La Leidy opened for their children, we can witness their beautiful photos and the adorable moments they share with them.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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