Emotional reunion of a father with his son in the United States after five years apart

The man could not contain himself and spent more than a minute crying his eyes out while kissing and hugging the child.

A Cuban father who lives in the United States fulfilled his dream of taking his son to live with him, after five long years apart.

Both lived a moving and unforgettable reunion at the airport in Houston, Texas, which was recorded and later shared on the portal's Facebook profile. Miami News.

The video shows how father and son run towards each other and fall kneeling on the ground and embrace each other.

The man, who was carrying several balloons with animated children's characters, could not contain himself and cried his eyes out for more than a minute while he kissed and hugged the child, who apparently traveled alone.

Then other family members approach and kiss the little one.

Scenes like these are increasingly frequent since the Biden administration approved the humanitarian parole in January 2023, thanks to which thousands of Cuban families have been able to remove their relatives or friends from the Island and take them with them through a safe way to a life. prosperous

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