Cuban model Lisandra Silva responds if she is with Raúl Peralta: "The obvious is not asked"

For months, her followers have suspected that the Cuban model and the Chilean dancer are not together.

Lisandra Silva con Raúl Peralta y sus hijos © Instagram / Lisandra Silva
Lisandra Silva with Raúl Peralta and their children Photo © Instagram / Lisandra Silva

FinallyLisandra Silva would have confirmed what was an open secret:She and Chilean dancer Raúl Peralta are no longer together. After several months of rumors, it was the Cuban model who decided to speak out and, in a question and answer, publish a message for all those who ask her if she is still with the father of her two children.

"Girls, thousands of similar questions. The obvious is not asked. I think that with a little common sense we can move to the future and start asking other more appropriate things. Let's give space to more interesting conversations"said the influencer and businesswoman based in Chile. Among the questions that are read below this writing we find some that say: "Did you leave the children's father? or "Are you no longer with Raúl?"

Without a doubt, questions that their followers have been asking for several months now in which the distance between Noah and Leiah's parents has been evident to them.

The lack of photographs together and messages raised alarms about a possible separation. However, many took it as confirmation that The Cuban model moved to another house with her children.

Despite their breakup, the influencer clarified that she is in a happy moment in her life.

Instagram screenshot

At the beginning of the year, the Chilean dancer reacted to rumors that were circulating about him about a possible romance with another person at his dance studio. Some suspicions that he took it upon himself to deny, assuring that it is "fake news." "You can invent whatever you want about me, I don't care, but don't involve people from my family and my work environment. I don't know how you can upload information like crazy, without any basis and so far from reality, for a couple of likes and comments. They look like liars to everyone," he said then.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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