Amanda opened her eyes for the first time after surgery

If all goes well, the girl's wound will be closed on Friday. The recovery will last three or four months, longer than normal due to the pitiful state in which he arrived in Madrid.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz © Lara Crofs / FacebookAmanda Lemus Ortiz © Lara Crofs / Facebook
Amanda Lemus Ortiz Photo © Lara Crofs / Facebook

The Cuban girl Amanda Lemus opened her eyes this Sunday for the first time after theliver transplant that was performed on Friday at the La Paz Hospital in Madrid.

The activistYamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs) explained in his profileFacebook that the recovery will be long, between three to four months.

"TheThe situation in which the girl arrived at the La Paz Hospital, in Madrid, Spain, was pitiful, so the recovery process will be longer than normal," he stressed.

The doctors removed part of Amanda's scaffolding of breathing tubes and she has been gradually waking up.

"The doctors always visit her in the morning, do ultrasounds and measure important parameters that monitor the post-operative period. If everything goes as it is, on Friday she should go to the room to proceed with closing the wound. The color of the skin is already is beginning to change, the soles of the feet and hands are beginning to have the color they should," he explained.

Emmanuel Lemus, the minor's father and who donated part of his liver, recovers well and without complications.

"He has already started drinking liquids on his own. The desire to see his daughter is what motivates this father, capable of donating his own life if necessary to save Amanda's. Great is that father, who is very clear about his values and priorities. Let's hope that everything continues even better and soon he can get up to caress and kiss his daughter," Lara said.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofts

"Mila Ortiz is now an octopus woman, who goes from one room to another, extending her maternal tentacles to her daughter and husband. The fortitude with which this woman (whom I call sister with tremendous pride) has faced this entire process , is titanic. Her only longing is to see her family recovered, strong and united, seeking a different future where health prevails as a banner of war," he added.

Saturday,24 hours after surgery, Amanda was progressing satisfactorily. of the operation to remedy the atresia of the bile ducts that he suffers from.

"The baby still hasn't woken up, the doctors stopped by recently and saw her, did an ultrasound and then they will return to talk to Mila [the mother] about how everything should be," Yamilka Lafita reported at the time.

As the activist explained, the decision not to suture the wound is totally normal in this type of intervention.

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