Amanda's father undergoes successful surgery for a liver transplant for the Cuban girl in Spain

Emmanuel Lemus had a portion of his liver removed that will be transplanted to his daughter. Amanda's surgery started around 4:00 pm.

Emmanuel Lemus, father of the girl Amanda, was successfully operated on this Friday morning at the La Paz Hospital, in Madrid, whereA portion of his liver was removed and will be transplanted to his daughter..

As revealed in a directFacebook the activist Yamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs), Emmanuel came out of the intervention well.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofts

His wife Milagros was able to see him when they took him out of the room and took him to the recovery room, and she spoke with him briefly. It is expected that around 7:00 pm (Spain time) I will spend more time with him.

"For now, things are going pretty well, thank God. Emmanuel is out, evenHe told Milagros that he was very hungry."Lara revealed pleased.

"Amanda's [operation] must have started maybe an hour ago, because of course they had to first remove the little piece of Emmanuel's liver to put it in her," he clarified.

Amanda Lemus, who suffers from bile duct atresia, is undergoing aliver transplant, an operation that can last up to 12 hours.

"The new liver is removed from the donor through a surgical incision made in the upper abdomen. The donated liver is placed on the person who needs it (called the recipient) and connected to blood vessels and bile ducts. The recipient will often need a large amount of blood through a transfusion," explains the Medline Plus website.

Lara Crofs said that the little girl shows a better appearance since her arrival in Spain. Although the ideal is for him to have more weight for the operation, the doctors certified that he could have surgery this Friday at 9:30 am.

Al announce a few days ago the date of Amanda's surgery, Crofs thanked the Cuban community that welcomed the girl as their own daughter.

"We achieved it, after more than 45 days of campaigning day and night, of complaints, of updates, of many setbacks, of repression. Of seeing how a girl of only two years old languished in the face of the despair of her parents, family, and friends" , he expressed.

Fortunately, the doctors' predictions were not fulfilled, who after the first studies on the girl said thatHis deterioration was so great that we would have to wait three to four weeks to stabilize various parameters, before taking it to the salon.

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