Cubans protest in front of the regime's Embassy in Uruguay

In Montevideo, members of the Cuban exile gathered in front of the Cuban Embassy to express their solidarity with the protests on the island, in a clear rejection of the regime.

In an act of solidarity, members of the Cuban exile demonstrated peacefully in front of the Cuban Embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay, to express their discontent with the situation that the island is going through and support the recent demonstrations in Cuba.

Under the banner of "Free Cubans in Uruguay", the protesters rejected any attempt at dialogue with the regime and expressed concern about the repression against citizens on the island.

The protests in Cuba have been triggered by increased blackouts and shortages of basic foodstuffs, causing popular discontent in several major cities, including Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo.

The demonstrations have transcended the country's borders, with Cubans abroad, such as in Uruguay and Miami, expressing their support with peaceful protests in the streets.

In response to the massive protests in Cuba, the president Miguel Diaz-Canel attributed the crisis to economic sanctions imposed by the United States more than 60 years ago, in an attempt to redirect the narrative and minimize social unrest.

On his account on the social network Twitter, Díaz-Canel noted that "several people have expressed their disagreement" and accused "the enemies of the Revolution" of trying to destabilize the country.

This call to action in Uruguay demonstrates the firm position of the Cuban exile in supporting the protests and demanding political change in Cuba, reaffirming that the union and support of Cubans know no borders.

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