Senator Rick Scott demands proof of life of opponent José Daniel Ferrer in Cuba

The family of the Cuban opponent also asked for proof of life. Since November 28, 2023, no one has seen José Daniel Ferrer.

José Daniel Ferrer / Rick Scott  © Redes Sociales
José Daniel Ferrer / Rick Scott Photo © Social Networks

US Republican SenatorRick Scott demanded proof of life of the Cuban opponentJose Daniel Ferrer in the face of rumors of his possible assassination in Cuba, and in the midst of massive protests in the country.

Scott has expressed hisconcern for Ferrer's safety, demanding from the regime alife faith of the opponent. The request comes amid strong political tensions in Cuba due to demonstrations that have been taking place on the island since this Sunday.

Scott used his Twitter platform to launch an urgent call to the Cuban government, in a context of growing concern for the well-being of thepolitical prisoners in the country.

"We are hearing rumors that the Castro regime murdered José Daniel Ferrer. His family has not been able to speak to anyone in Cuba.I demand proof of life of José Daniel Ferrer to the illegitimate Cuban communist regime," Scott wrote in a recent tweet.

Facebook José Daniel Ferrer

This demand comes at a delicate moment. On Sunday, thestreets of Santiago de Cuba They were flooded by protesters dissatisfied with the unsustainable situation in the country, due to continuous blackouts, shortages of basic foods and increasing repression by the State.

In case ofJose Daniel Ferrer highlights the brutal lack of freedoms in Cuba. Known for his active opposition to the regime, he was captured on the day of the protests.July 11, 2021 (11J) and since then he has been imprisoned in a maximum security prison, isolated.

His imprisonment has been marked by solitary confinement and allegations of inhumane conditions and torture.

Facebook José Daniel Ferrer

Ana Belkis Ferrer García, sister of the opponent and activist, has joined the request for afaith of immediate life.

"Since November 28, 2023, no one seesJose Daniel Ferrer"said Ana Belkis on Facebook and emphasizes the urgency of obtaining proof of her status given the current circumstances in the country.

With this situation of tension and repression in Cuba, a worrying panorama is emerging for the more than 1,000 political prisoners on the island.

Access to information and communication is severely restricted by the government. The demand for a faith of life becomes an act of desperation and resistance in the face of silence and institutional violence.

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