Biden lashes out at Republican opponents in Florida for opposition to assault weapons control

He directly criticized Governor Ron DeSantis and Senators Marcos Rubio and Rick Scott.


This article is from 1 year ago

President Joe Biden lashed out at his potential Republican opponents in the elections of 2024 in the state of Florida for his opposition to the control of weapons assault.

“Leaders like him Governor DeSantis, the senator Marco Rubio and the senator Rick Scott They oppose banning assault weapons. And for me, it's simple. If you can't support the ban on weapons of war on the streets of the United States, you are not on the side of the police," the US president said on Twitter this Monday. who is confined due to his COVID-19 infection.

After Biden's attack, Senator Marcos Rubio responded on Twitter that “I pray that @potus comes to Florida to campaign against me.”

Senator Rick Scott also responded to the US president on that same social network that “it seems that @JoeBiden has finally understood my condition well... but he is still confused. Unlike him, we work with law enforcement and we know what worries them most.”

Likewise, he noted that “it is the radical anti-police agenda of the Democrats that is assumed to be the greatest threat to our brave police officers.”

The issue of control of assault weapons is neuralgic among politicians, since In late June, the US president signed into law the first significant federal gun safety legislation in decades., in what many analysts and media consider a bipartisan advance on one of the most controversial political issues in Washington.

The law, reached by agreement between Democrats and Republicans in order to strengthen gun safety, is the first major federal reform on the subject in three decades, and was approved, paradoxically, just after the Supreme Court expanded gun rights.

“This is a monumental day,” Biden said at the White House. “God willing, many lives will be saved,” said the president when signing the legislative project.

The law includes provisions to help states keep guns out of the hands of those considered a danger to themselves or others, and blocks sales to those convicted of abusing their intimate partners.

With the passage of the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, Congress will be able to take meaningful action to save lives. This legislation would be one of the most significant steps Congress has taken to reduce gun violence in decades, giving law enforcement and prosecutors new tools to prosecute gun traffickers.

This initiative comes after the recent mass shootings that occurred at Uvalde Elementary School, Texas, and in a buffalo supermarket, NY.

However, the text failed to prohibit the sale of assault rifles or high-capacity magazines.

"We have to do more, it is not enough. I have tried to say this for years and for years I will continue to say it," were the words spoken to President Biden by Manuel Oliver, father of one of the children who died in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018., during a recent event at the White House for the signing of this gun control law, agreed between Democrats and Republicans.

Oliver is the father of Joaquín Oliver, who died at the age of 17 in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, on February 14, 2018. He is one of the co-founders of Change The Ref, a group whose mission is to raise awareness about mass shootings to reduce the influence of the NRA.

Last May, after the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, he blamed the different administrations of the United States for not taking measures to control gun ownership in the country.

"I curse the politicians who have allowed this to happen, that we have told them a thousand times in one way or another, that this can be prevented, but they simply ignore it," he stated.

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