Politicians support protests in Cuba: "The bravery of the people shows that the dictatorship has a serious problem"

Several Cuban and international politicians offered their support to the protests that occurred in Santiago de Cuba and other parts of the island.

Políticos cubanos radicados en Estados Unidos © Perfiles sociales de los políticos
Cuban politicians living in the United States Photo © Social profiles of politicians

Cuban politicians residing in the United States and internationally also demonstrated their support for the protests that have occurred in Cuba since this Sunday, March 17.

Republican congressman Mario Díaz-Balart He called the people of Santiago de Cuba “resilient,” and praised the demands for “essential rights in the face of brutal oppression.”

“The murderous Cuban dictatorship is responsible for egregious human rights abuses, and must be held accountable for its crimes. The Cuban people will be free and it will be thanks to the leadership and courage of those who risk everything in the hope of a free and democratic Cuba,” said the member of the United States House of Representatives.

Another congresswoman of Cuban origin, the Republican Maria Elvira Salazar, expressed that the people of Santiago de Cuba had taken to the streets demanding freedom, food and electricity, and expressed their support for the cry of “Homeland and Life” launched from the island that “endures 65 years of misery, tyranny and oppression.”

He also originally from Cuba Carlos Antonio Gimenez, representative of Florida's 26th congressional district before the United States House of Representatives, asked President Joe Biden to grant satellite internet access to the Cuban people, given the cuts that the regime was applying.

For his part, the Republican senator Marco Rubio, assured that "the courage of the Cuban people shows that the criminal dictatorship has a serious problem: the Cuban people are tired of decades of lies and incompetence."

The former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe Velez and the Chavista opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez They also sent a message to the Cuban people.

López said that the only option is to demonstrate in the street, with peaceful protests and highlighted the importance in this sense.

“No matter how far away it may be on the horizon, it is the path that the people of Cuba have to seek: democracy,” added the current national coordinator of the Voluntad Popular party and popular networks in Venezuela.

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