Cuqui La Mora defends the protests in Cuba: "Demanding your rights is not a crime"

"Going out on the street is not asking for a problem. Going out on the street is putting an end to all problems," said the comedian.

After the protests in Cuba that have been in the news since March 17, several Cuban artists in exile have shown their support for the Cuban people who took to the streets shouting “Homeland and Life” and freedom to demand food and electricity.

The Cuban comedian Cuqui La Mora He defended the legitimacy of the demonstrations on his Instagram: “Demanding your rights is not a crime, peacefully without violence; It is time to remove them from power. United, the world supports you, we will not leave you alone, do not allow yourself to be arrested, freedom is close. Not one more lie.”

Along with his words, Cuqui shared a video in which he added: “The only person to blame for the misery that exists today, for the destruction of our country, for the separation of families, for thousands of murders and deaths It is communism, it is the Communist Party”.

“It is time to remove them from power. Going out on the street is not asking for trouble.. Going out into the street is to end all problems. Homeland and Life, freedom, it is the Cuban moment,” he added.

In other publications the comedian shared images of the protests.

This Sunday the protests that began in Santiago de Cuba spread to Bayamo and Cárdenas, while the regime mobilized police forces to repress the protesters.

In Santiago, arrests are reported and the people are still in the streets demanding his release.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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