A recently arrived Cuban who lived in his car in Miami is assaulted: "It was the only thing he had"

Pavel Alonso William, who had recently arrived in the United States, had his car stolen, where he lived and had all his belongings. The robbers intercepted him as he was driving through West Miami and pointed guns at him.

A Cuban who recently arrived in the United States reported that he was assaulted this Tuesday in West Miami by two individuals who, at gunpoint, They stole his car, where he lived and had all his belongings.

Pavel Alonso William He was driving down a city street when he was intercepted by a red four-door sedan, where two African-American men, wearing ski masks and armed with guns, got out, according to police. Univision Miami.

The thieves pointed their weapons at the Cuban, who fled the scene, while the assailants escaped in both vehicles.

The events occurred near Southwest 57th Avenue and 11th Street, in West Miami. Police indicated that the license plate of the stolen car is 54BEXH, although the report did not offer other details about the vehicle.

Fortunately, the victim of assault He did not suffer injuries, but he was stripped of everything he owned, as he confessed to the television channel.

Alonso assured that he lived in his car and had all of his assets there.

“Everything of mine was inside the car, all my papers, my saints... Everything I had was inside the car, the only thing I had here in the United States was that car, I had nothing else", he claimed.

This might not be the only case of armed robbery in northwest Miami, according to authorities.

Miami police are investigating another case of armed robbery of a vehicle by the occupants of a red sedan, while security cameras also captured a car theft by some people, in that area of the city.

The agents are investigating whether the events are connected and could be a gang, so they asked the community for help with any information that would lead to finding the perpetrators of these events.

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